Aqueous ozone cleaning used in tableware

Publish Time: 2021-10-12     Origin: Site

With the improvement of people's living standards, disinfection cabinets have entered tens of millions of Chinese households. At present, there are many types of disinfection cabinets on the market, and there are mainly three types of disinfection methods, including ozone, ultraviolet, and high-temperature disinfection. The following will introduce you to the relevant knowledge about aqueous ozone cleaning used in tableware.

Here is the content list:

l Why use aqueous ozone to clean dishes?

l What is ozone disinfection?

l What are the advantages of washing dishes with aqueous ozone?

Why use aqueous ozone to clean dishes?

The kitchen utensils in the family are places where bacteria breed in large numbers and a way of spreading many kinds of bacteria. Experiments have shown that these bacteria may not be completely killed even after a high temperature above 100°C. Therefore, boiling the bowl with boiling water before eating can only kill a very small number of microorganisms because of insufficient temperature and time, but it cannot guarantee the killing of most pathogenic microorganisms. On the contrary, aqueous ozone cleaning is a very common type of disinfection method.

What is ozone disinfection?

Ozone is a very common type of disinfection method, and the upper layer of many disinfection cabinets will also use a combination of ozone + medium temperature disinfection. Among them, ozone uses the strong oxidizing property of ozone. It can disinfect tableware by releasing ozone. Destroy the cell walls of bacteria in the tableware, thereby affecting the reproduction and growth of bacteria, and achieve the purpose of thorough sterilization. There are many types of ozone sterilization, which can kill bacteria and viruses such as fungi, molds, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus.

Ozone sterilization has strong adaptability. It is almost suitable for the sterilization of all kinds of tableware, especially plastic and glass tableware that is not resistant to high temperatures. It can form a certain complement with high-temperature sterilization, to effectively carry out aqueous ozone cleaning.

What are the advantages of washing dishes with aqueous ozone?

Many people put the washed tableware directly into the airtight cabinet without even drying it. Enclosed damp spaces are more likely to breed bacteria. Experiments have proved that when the temperature reaches about 20°C and the humidity reaches about 70%, the conditions for mold growth are established, and molds will grow and spread rapidly. The tableware cleaned with aqueous ozone can inhibit the growth of mold and other bacteria even if it is not dried, making the headache of washing dishes simple and relieved. In addition, the tableware stored in the cupboard that has not been used for a long time will have a strange smell. Aqueous ozone cleaning has the effect of deodorizing, which solves another trouble. Moreover, ozone has a half-life, which can be automatically decomposed into oxygen in 30 to 40 minutes at room temperature, with no secondary pollution and no residue, which is very safe and environmentally friendly.

Today, aqueous ozone cleaning has been well developed. Guangzhou Deposon Electric Co., Ltd. has developed a variety of aqueous ozone cleaning machines and conducted a lot of tests before leaving the factory to ensure quality. If you are in the aqueous ozone cleaning business, you can consider using our cost-effective products.

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